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In the design phase the architect calculated the materials cost for a project as









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发表于 2012-7-29 11:39:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
试卷: LEED AP ID+C 模拟试卷B[查看]
In the design phase the architect calculated the materials cost for a project as $400,000. The breakdown of the wood used on the project is:
$40,000 FSC Pure;
$10,000 FSC Recycled;
$10,000 Salvaged wood
$40,000 non FSC certified wood;

What is the certified wood material percentage for Materials and Resources Credit, Certified Wood?
A: 90%
B: 10%
C: 50%
D: 80%
E: 100%

参考答案: C

Reference: Materials and Resources Credit, Certified Wood, Calculations

The certified wood materials percentages are :

FSC-certified wood material value ($) / Total new wood material value ($).

FSC Recycled wood products and non-new wood products (salvaged, reclaimed, recycled) do not count towards the total new wood material value of MR C7.

Total NEW wood material value = $40,000 FSC Pure + $40,000 non FSC certified wood
= $80,000

$40,000 FSC wood / $80,000 total new wood material value = 50%

The percent of certified wood is based on the total percent of all new wood used on the project.

In the case of an assembly, calculate the amount of new wood based on a percentage of the total weight, volume, or cost, and the total FSC-certified wood as a percent of the total weight, volume or cost. For example if wood flooring has an FSC substrate and a bamboo top layer, you might use the volume. Each panel would be 50% FSC (the bottom layer) and 50% bamboo (the top layer). If the wood flooring cost $50,000, 50% of that total ($25,000) would contribute to the total FSC-certified wood.

The use of certified wood, like most of your building materials, should be selected in the design phase. This is noted in the reference guide especially for certified wood because it may take longer to order and to find suppliers. Additionally you can\'t count on meeting the credit percentages unless you know if you can even get certified wood for your project.

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