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Which of the following is used to confirm the performance of the filter? admin 2020-8-27 0160 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Which of the following parking spaces did not contribute to the reduction of hea admin 2020-8-27 0163 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
the energy consumption of a project is simulated, and the results of each part a admin 2020-8-27 0168 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a school has 10 special buses. Which of the following requirements should green admin 2020-8-27 0177 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Which of the following is helpful for medical buildings to win LT: Bicycle facil admin 2020-8-27 0360 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following needs to be considered when planning for the storage and admin 2020-8-27 0415 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
for an office project, which strategy is recommended to use in order to win EA s admin 2020-8-27 0153 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What are the following incorrect statements about advanced debugging? admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a project purchased a gypsum board worth US $10000. The gypsum board is composed admin 2020-8-27 0165 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a project has 100 stations, 2 shower rooms and a meeting room. How many switch c admin 2020-8-27 0169 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
lighting designers choose high color rendering index LED lights for the stage of admin 2020-8-27 0158 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Within 100 acres of land around a project, the ratio of residential and non resi admin 2020-8-27 0170 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
For the project with a site area of 10000 square meters, the building covers an admin 2020-8-27 0221 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a project is striving for LEED certification, but there is no public transport w admin 2020-8-27 0151 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What is the correct statement about rec? admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
in order to make the maintenance of LEED multi building residential project mee admin 2020-8-27 0153 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What is the priority of public health, and what is the priority of public health admin 2020-8-27 0173 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
The mechanical ventilation system is adopted in a project. Which of the followin admin 2020-8-26 0155 admin 2020-8-26 21:31
the design team is discussing what measures should be taken to achieve the best admin 2020-8-26 0161 admin 2020-8-26 21:31
Local conditions encourage the resolution of specific environmental, social just admin 2020-8-26 0152 admin 2020-8-26 21:28


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