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In an office project, which of the following measures can best meet the requirem admin 2020-8-27 0144 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
in which device can CFC be found? admin 2020-8-27 0150 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following is process water? admin 2020-8-27 0151 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
A project has one main entrance and two secondary entrances to the alley. Where admin 2020-8-27 0164 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Part of the timber used in the 48 project comes from the old wooden door recycli admin 2020-8-27 0300 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
want to win Mr sub item: information disclosure and optimization of building pro admin 2020-8-27 0174 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a project recycled 20 tons of materials during construction.The concrete suppli admin 2020-8-27 0412 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
to estimate the water consumption of a project, it is estimated that the indoor admin 2020-8-27 0164 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a certain office project, ready to choose a green desk, what kind of certified d admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What is the correct description of lighting power density? admin 2020-8-27 0148 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following is a correct description of evapotranspiration rate? admin 2020-8-27 0384 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What are the benefits of using sustainable landscapes? admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
changes in building energy consumption without additional commissioning? admin 2020-8-27 0151 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following sites meets the requirements of LEED nd smart site selec admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Which of the following 35 is a public faucet? admin 2020-8-27 0147 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
Aware of the environmental hazards of using private cars, owners are prepared to admin 2020-8-27 0186 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
In order to reduce heat island effect, if option 1: roof and non roof is to be a admin 2020-8-27 0179 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
adopt chain type pavement, which item can contribute to? admin 2020-8-27 0148 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
A project is in the process of site selection. In order to obtain the sub item o admin 2020-8-27 0165 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following might contribute to the LT score:High quality direct tra admin 2020-8-27 0171 admin 2020-8-27 09:36


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