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试题解析 今日: 0|主题: 7599

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the designer should adopt a number of measures to manage rainwater, reduce storm admin 2020-8-27 0158 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following measures can directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions? admin 2020-8-27 0158 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following is an acceptable CSR framework admin 2020-8-27 0157 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What strategy can be adopted to improve the comfort of a temperate residential p admin 2020-8-27 0151 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
how is the distance of local materials calculated? admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a project encourages households to recycle a variety of materials. This recycli admin 2020-8-27 0187 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following low environmental impact development measures can reduce admin 2020-8-27 0155 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which of the following lid measures can help reduce runoff pollution? (choose tw admin 2020-8-27 0157 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which can contribute to the open space? admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
In a retail project, the business hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. the pro admin 2020-8-27 0147 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
A project is applying for LEED certification, with a building area of 1000 squar admin 2020-8-27 0138 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
a large parking lot is found near the project in a project. It is planned to red admin 2020-8-27 0151 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
which situation may need to increase the design fresh air volume? admin 2020-8-27 0462 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What kind of roof will contribute most to the score of heat island effect and ra admin 2020-8-27 0161 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
In an existing reconstruction project, there are old water facilities in the pro admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
A school has a total of 400 parking spaces, 20 of which are green car priority p admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What are the following statements about the heat island effect? admin 2020-8-27 0199 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
in the integration phase, which of the following should LEED AP focus on? admin 2020-8-27 0462 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
In order to reduce the indoor water consumption, it is necessary to install the admin 2020-8-27 0161 admin 2020-8-27 09:36
What is the difference between the medical center project with the same floor ar admin 2020-8-27 0462 admin 2020-8-27 09:36


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