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which of the following products can be included in the analysis, publicity and o admin 2020-8-27 0410 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
In order to reduce the energy load of buildings and achieve the relevant sustain admin 2020-8-27 0150 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following points is related to the shower? admin 2020-8-27 0147 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
According to the analysis, publicity and optimization of construction products - admin 2020-8-27 0368 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A project has one main entrance and two freight entrances. Where must a no smoki admin 2020-8-27 0406 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
The public transport system near a project is under construction, and a large pr admin 2020-8-27 0384 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
in which case can the project obtain a good performance score for stormwater man admin 2020-8-27 0173 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
in the construction process of a project, it was found that the construction cos admin 2020-8-27 0333 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A project is located in a previously developed area.The site area is 10000 squa admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
In order to reduce the amount of construction and demolition waste to be dispose admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
The following is about EQ score points: enhance indoor air quality strategy, the admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
new medical and office buildings, which points are different? admin 2020-8-27 0424 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A project is located in humid temperate zone, and the building is covered by sur admin 2020-8-27 0160 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
In order to get more scores in energy and atmosphere, what is the correct statem admin 2020-8-27 0381 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
in winter heating of a project, 40 ℃ warm air is delivered from the ceiling to admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Where will LEED get a score of 36 in community site selection?
Where will th
admin 2020-8-27 0158 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A school project is calculating the surrounding density of the project. Which of admin 2020-8-27 0133 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
which of the following measures may increase the outdoor water consumption of th admin 2020-8-27 0156 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
When calculating the items of MR, reducing the impact of building life cycle, an admin 2020-8-27 0148 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which is not clean energy admin 2020-8-27 0430 admin 2020-8-27 19:27


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