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What is correct about the innovation of in score points admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
According to the requirements of EA prerequisite foundation commissioning and ca admin 2020-8-27 0170 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
In order to reduce the energy consumption, designers need to consider the follow admin 2020-8-27 0159 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
the facility manager is cleaning the highly reflective pavement within the proje admin 2020-8-27 0405 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following items does not require direct transportation LT admin 2020-8-27 0461 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
The geographical location of a project is superior and the surrounding infrastru admin 2020-8-27 0155 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A project is in the process of selecting a site. Which of the following plots ca admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
There is a bus station under construction near the project. In order to confirm admin 2020-8-27 0198 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A building is located in a humid area, surrounded by tall buildings, which of th admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
The use of drought tolerant indigenous plants in the project has several benefit admin 2020-8-27 0310 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
In the process of integration, in the early stage of the project, LEED AP should admin 2020-8-27 0144 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
which of the following meets the requirements of the iaqp during construction? admin 2020-8-27 0338 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following is not included in the calculation of wastes that can be admin 2020-8-27 0149 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
A large number of native plants are used in a project, which two LEED scores are admin 2020-8-27 0147 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
If an office building project wants to obtain LT score, surrounding density and admin 2020-8-27 0351 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following projects may obtain LEED architectural design and constru admin 2020-8-27 0294 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following can contribute to the LEED score green power and carbon c admin 2020-8-27 0483 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following materials cannot be included in construction and material admin 2020-8-27 0461 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
based on the publicity and optimization of construction products and analysis - admin 2020-8-27 0169 admin 2020-8-27 19:27
Which of the following measures can reduce outdoor water use admin 2020-8-27 0152 admin 2020-8-27 19:27


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