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admin 2019-8-18 1763 尹晶 2020-11-29 15:41
下列哪些是监控为基础的调试(monitoring-based commissioning)组成部分?(选3项) admin 2015-1-23 11209 尹晶 2020-11-29 15:11
Which of the following can reduce light pollution? admin 2020-8-30 0179 admin 2020-8-30 18:59
Under what circumstances should the HVAC background noise strategy be carried ou admin 2020-8-30 0564 admin 2020-8-30 18:07
A project is applying for LEED certification. In the construction process, in or admin 2020-8-30 0509 admin 2020-8-30 14:53
A large area of daylighting windows is adopted in a project, which is beneficial admin 2020-8-30 0515 admin 2020-8-30 14:53
Which of the following is not only beneficial to the health of the residents, bu admin 2020-8-30 0179 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
After consideration, which economic consideration did the final decision to loca admin 2020-8-30 0153 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
a project team applied for an innovation score point in a previous project and w admin 2020-8-30 0364 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
The timber purchased by a project has FSC certification, which score can be con admin 2020-8-30 0159 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
which of the following is not part of the site assessment? admin 2020-8-30 0288 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
Which of the following systems and components need to be debugged admin 2020-8-30 0404 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
A project wants to get Ss score to reduce heat island effect, but because the pr admin 2020-8-30 0144 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
in which areas should carbon dioxide sensors be installed in accordance with the admin 2020-8-30 0404 admin 2020-8-30 11:29
In order to meet the requirements of facilities sharing for SS scoring items, th admin 2020-8-28 0152 admin 2020-8-28 15:02
Which is renewable energy admin 2020-8-28 0148 admin 2020-8-28 15:02
Regarding the item of LT: reduction of parking area, the correct statement is? admin 2020-8-28 0152 admin 2020-8-28 15:02
In the process of integration, the owner and various disciplines will discuss at admin 2020-8-28 0453 admin 2020-8-28 15:02
EQ minimum indoor air quality performance requirements where is the CO2 monitori admin 2020-8-28 0159 admin 2020-8-28 15:02
A logistics center project is applying for LEED score, which of the following ca admin 2020-8-28 0152 admin 2020-8-28 15:02


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