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Space? admin 2012-8-2 0270 admin 2012-8-2 12:40
If a project team includes furniture and furnishings in the calculations for Mat PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0552 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 22:02
Which design decisions can earn a project innovative performance credit? PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0347 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 22:02
An emergency veterinary office located in a strip mall will be open 24 hours a d admin 2012-7-30 0235 admin 2012-7-30 22:02
A systems manual must be developed under what circumstances? PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0563 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 22:02
A project team member is verifying that occupants have a connection to the outdo admin 2012-7-30 0205 admin 2012-7-30 22:02
A project will reduce water usage inside of the project space. Which calculation admin 2012-7-30 0356 admin 2012-7-30 22:02
A project team is working on the project specifications for a office. Which prod PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0220 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 22:02
An HVAC engineer is reviewing the design of an outdoor air delivery monitoring s admin 2012-7-30 0278 admin 2012-7-30 22:02
A project has determined it should only have 178 parking spaces to satisfy Susta PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0419 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 22:02
What issues must be addressed when designing for Indoor Chemical and Pollutant S PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0420 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 21:21
Reused and salvaged materials that satisfy the requirements of Materials and Res PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0579 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 21:21
A 35,175 sf commercial office building is located on a 0.5 acre site. The site w admin 2012-7-30 0334 admin 2012-7-30 21:21
What is COMMISSIONING (Cx)? admin 2012-7-30 0500 admin 2012-7-30 16:12
What is an OPR? admin 2012-7-30 0539 admin 2012-7-30 15:53
What should the lighting designer include in the BOD as far as LIGHTING REQUIREM admin 2012-7-30 0567 admin 2012-7-30 15:53
The materials cost for a retail project will be $337,500. The project team speci admin 2012-7-30 0618 admin 2012-7-30 10:16
A project building does not have a way to modulate the HVAC system in response t PrincessWas 2012-7-30 0499 PrincessWas 2012-7-30 10:16
An office building will provide individual occupant controls for lighting. What admin 2012-7-30 0339 admin 2012-7-30 10:16
A project team has purchased several workstations that contain pre and postconsu admin 2012-7-30 0598 admin 2012-7-30 10:16


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