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A software company will have large open floor plans that incorporates sidelighti PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0302 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
A project team has not been able to perform an energy simulation for Energy and PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0348 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
An office space will improve IAQ and occupant well-being by using natural ventil PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0220 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
What is the best way to increase energy efficiency that you could suggest to a b PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0637 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
An engineer is installing an HVAC system that complies with the Advanced Buildin admin 2012-8-3 0316 admin 2012-8-3 09:23
Which factor is used in the calculation of Materials and Resources Credit, Rapid PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0257 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
A building has a wind energy system added to the roof. According to the US DOE\\ PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0483 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
A tenant will install ENERGY STAR dishwashers and clothes washers. What project admin 2012-8-3 0278 admin 2012-8-3 09:23
What project area does not require a baseline analysis? PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0493 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
What is true about the timing of commissioning as it relates to a building flush PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0563 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
The roof of an office building is approximately 100,000 sq. ft. Skylights, solar PrincessWas 2012-8-3 0269 PrincessWas 2012-8-3 09:23
What is the definition of a BROWNFIELD? admin 2012-8-2 0492 admin 2012-8-2 12:49
Notes:Remember that exemplary performance is part of the Innovation in Design se admin 2012-8-2 0262 admin 2012-8-2 12:47
Materials that meet the Greenguard certification can help earn points for what i admin 2012-8-2 0313 admin 2012-8-2 12:47
Materials that meet the Greenguard certification can help earn points for what i admin 2012-8-2 0271 admin 2012-8-2 12:44
800,000 sq. ft. * 0.40 = 320,000 sq. ft. admin 2012-8-2 0260 admin 2012-8-2 12:44
Notes:Remember that exemplary performance is part of the Innovation in Design se admin 2012-8-2 0221 admin 2012-8-2 12:44
Question 2 admin 2012-8-2 0259 admin 2012-8-2 12:40
800,000 sq. ft. * 0.40 = 320,000 sq. ft. admin 2012-8-2 0224 admin 2012-8-2 12:40
Notes:Remember that exemplary performance is part of the Innovation in Design se admin 2012-8-2 0232 admin 2012-8-2 12:40


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