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A project building is 68,490 sf. A tenant has leased out 50,200 sf. The lease wi admin 2012-8-4 0411 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A tenant will lease out an entire building that has been Core & Shell certified. PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0164 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A 120,000 sq. ft. office renovation will include the reuse of interior elements PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0174 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
An open office plan will have natural ventilation through the installation of op admin 2012-8-4 0479 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
Which statements are true regarding agrifiber products in terms of achieving Ind admin 2012-8-4 0205 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
In a naturally ventilated space, how close must a space be to an operable wall o admin 2012-8-4 0164 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
Which of the following products would NOT qualify for Materials and Resources Cr PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0462 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A tenant space includes underfloor air distribution with individual controls for admin 2012-8-4 0208 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
The renovation of an office will use the wood from some decorative beams for bui PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0426 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
The cost of the new building materials for a renovation project will be $1,000,0 admin 2012-8-4 0200 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A landscape architect is selecting trees that will not require irrigation once t PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0197 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
An office project for a mortgage company will have an underfloor air distributio admin 2012-8-4 0191 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A project team is attempting Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction I admin 2012-8-4 0394 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
To reduce light pollution from interior lighting, by what amount must power be r PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0587 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A tenant space was selected in a building that had several green building featur admin 2012-8-4 0209 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A building owner is reviewing sites that could meet Sustainable Sites Credit, De PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0356 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A project team is reviewing an existing space that will be renovated for a new t PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0588 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
An office building has 1,000 occupants. A new tenant will add 200 more occupants admin 2012-8-4 0495 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
Materials that meet the Greenguard certification can help earn points for what i admin 2012-8-4 0296 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A project team is discussing keeping chemical pollutants out of the building. Wh PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0405 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13


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