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A non-residential project does not allow smoking in the building. What must be d admin 2012-8-4 0156 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
In an office project, what area would not be included as a regularly occupied sp admin 2012-8-4 0437 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
An after school tutoring business will use natural ventilation for rooms. How ca PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0298 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A project budget is $2,500,000. The total Division 12 material value on the proj admin 2012-8-4 0499 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A project is located 1/4 mile from one stop from a city bus line. What else does PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0180 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
The replacement value of materials and resources can be used for the quantity ca PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0246 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A tenant space located in California will need to comply with the most stringent admin 2012-8-4 0159 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A general contractor is working on documenting the quantity of materials reuse f admin 2012-8-4 0321 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A project team is pursuing Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight and Vie PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0161 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
An owner has chosen cubicles and office tables made of veneers that include trac PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0167 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
During the construction phase a contractor has painted a wall with high VOC pain admin 2012-8-4 0327 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
For a project that uses an overhead variable air volume system, enough control p PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0440 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
An office building is naturally ventilated. The team will use macroscopic, multi PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0390 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
For a building that is mechanically ventilated, which standard is applicable to admin 2012-8-4 0173 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
A project team will attempt to reduce water use in their tenant space. What stra PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0436 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A building has 1,490 FTE occupants. A new tenant will add 240 FTE occupants. The admin 2012-8-4 0324 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
What measures could be taken to achieve 40% treatment of a site area\\\'s total PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0526 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
A tenant would like to have Green Power, but the direct purchase of Green-e cert PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0385 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13
During the site selection process, a project team gives preference to previously admin 2012-8-4 0168 admin 2012-8-4 17:13
The interior lighting power allowance of a tenant space is 23,280 watts. What mi PrincessWas 2012-8-4 0161 PrincessWas 2012-8-4 17:13


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