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What is WATERSENSE? admin 2012-8-4 0190 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is the maximum number of points a project can earn under Regional Priority admin 2012-8-4 0136 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What are the major compliance standards associated with Low-Emitting Materials - admin 2012-8-4 0171 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
When can CERTIFICATION be revoked? admin 2012-8-4 0204 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is included in the DAYLIGHTING Zone? admin 2012-8-4 0169 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
At a minimum, projects must provide dedicated area for collection and storage of admin 2012-8-4 0134 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is the maximum number of points a project can earn under INNOVATION IN DESI admin 2012-8-4 0176 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What do MERV ratings and ASHRAE 52.2 deal with? admin 2012-8-4 0150 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is Chain of Custody (COC)? admin 2012-8-4 0212 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What PERCENT of runoff must be infiltrated, collected, and/or reused in order to admin 2012-8-4 0176 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
Who is NOT required to have Chain of Custody documentation for FSC-certified woo admin 2012-8-4 0132 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is the COMMISSIONING process? admin 2012-8-4 0450 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is the baseline FLUSH for a toilet. admin 2012-8-4 0179 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What STANDARD defines/qualifies both Preconsumer and Postconsumer Recycled Conte admin 2012-8-4 0142 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What PERCENT of space must achieve daylight illumination to satisfy Daylight and admin 2012-8-4 0143 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
For IEQ, a naturally ventilated space refers to what referenced standard? admin 2012-8-4 0137 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What are the six (6) primary COMFORT FACTORS associated with ASHRAE 55-2004? admin 2012-8-4 0176 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What PERCENT of Energy Star equipment could earn 1 point under EAc1.4? admin 2012-8-4 0131 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What STANDARD describes thermal comfort conditions, which includes Air Temperatu admin 2012-8-4 0139 admin 2012-8-4 20:08
What is the UPC/IPC max FLOW for a shower head? admin 2012-8-4 0155 admin 2012-8-4 20:08


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