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What are the environmental benefits of cogeneration? (choose 2) admin 2012-8-21 0257 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What types of energy sources generate the least air and water pollution?(choose admin 2012-8-21 0253 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Which of the following are transient occupants?(choose 2) google 2012-8-21 0457 google 2012-8-21 16:19
Developments located within walking distance of basic services reduce:(choose 2) admin 2012-8-21 0216 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What green building codes can be enforced by law?(choose 2) admin 2012-8-21 0341 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Reducing external light pollution will result in synergies between what LEED cre admin 2012-8-21 0584 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
LEED requires which of the following to be done in order for a project to earn c admin 2012-8-21 0184 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Which of the following refrigerants are banned or are scheduled to be banned und admin 2012-8-21 0177 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What is a strategy for water efficient landscaping? admin 2012-8-21 0178 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What is the benefit of installing bicycle racks? admin 2012-8-21 0204 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What defines the open space of a site area if there is no local zoning? admin 2012-8-21 0293 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Which of the following is a primary goal of the USGBC? admin 2012-8-21 0576 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Which of these sites if selected would most help with community connectivity? admin 2012-8-21 0340 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What is an example of an ongoing operating cost? google 2012-8-21 01629 google 2012-8-21 16:19
What practice would be used to investigate lumber from the point where the lumbe google 2012-8-21 0261 google 2012-8-21 16:19
What project design feature would decrease energy costs in a building?
admin 2012-8-21 0510 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
What is applicable to the ongoing operations and maintenance of a building? admin 2012-8-21 0638 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
How can regional priority credits be earned? admin 2012-8-21 0358 admin 2012-8-21 16:19
Building permit fees for a project are what type of cost? google 2012-8-21 0248 google 2012-8-21 16:19
What is a way LEED encourages the purchase and use of low-emitting and fuel-effi admin 2012-8-21 0174 admin 2012-8-21 16:19


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