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A school project has earned the following credits:
SS Credit 1 Site Selectio
admin 2012-8-28 0457 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
A project owner is reviewing potential sites for a new condominium project. The admin 2012-8-28 0227 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
A project with a 30,000 sq. ft. building footprint has been designed with a 100% google 2012-8-28 0252 google 2012-8-28 19:45
Which of the following is not a credit category in LEED? admin 2012-8-28 0176 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
The minimum amount the project can restore to earn exemplary performance is 337, admin 2012-8-28 0236 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
A lighting designer is verifying the light trespass of a school sports field. Wh admin 2012-8-28 0289 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
What strategies would not help achieve Water Efficiency Credit, Water Efficient admin 2012-8-28 0272 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
A project design includes an active wastewater treatment system to treat 75% of admin 2012-8-28 0300 admin 2012-8-28 19:45
How can interior light trespass be reduced to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit, admin 2012-8-28 0258 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
A project design includes a 12,000 gallon stormwater cistern to capture stormwat admin 2012-8-28 0225 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
Which of the following fixtures are counted in the process of determining buildi admin 2012-8-28 0225 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
An office project will include measures to reduce the heat island effect. Pedest google 2012-8-28 0249 google 2012-8-28 19:44
A 30 story condominium project is being developed in a downtown area. Which wate admin 2012-8-28 0206 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
A project site is chosen in a rural area. In the charrette the project team is d admin 2012-8-28 0244 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
The contractor for a building that will house city employees will try to meet th google 2012-8-28 0229 google 2012-8-28 19:44
The owner of a new oceanfront museum project wants to use 35% green power, but t google 2012-8-28 0212 google 2012-8-28 19:44
A project team has not been able to perform an energy simulation for Energy and admin 2012-8-28 0219 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
What standard is referenced when doing a whole building energy simulation in the google 2012-8-28 0225 google 2012-8-28 19:44
A project building on a previously undeveloped site has no setback and will have admin 2012-8-28 0368 admin 2012-8-28 19:44
Some FSC Certified wood was extracted 450 miles from a project site, milled into admin 2012-8-28 0262 admin 2012-8-28 19:44


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