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SS Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect—Nonroof
1 Point

To re
admin 2012-9-1 0427 admin 2012-9-1 20:13
SS Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction
1 Point

To minimi
admin 2012-9-1 0427 admin 2012-9-1 20:13
SS Credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect—Roof
1 Point

To reduc
admin 2012-9-1 0366 admin 2012-9-1 20:11
SS Credit 5.1: Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat
1 Point
admin 2012-9-1 0652 admin 2012-9-1 19:40
A manufacturing plant has 3 non-overlapping shifts with a different number of em admin 2012-8-30 0220 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
A designer has asked you to help with a calculation for Sustainable Sites cred admin 2012-8-30 0252 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
An Owner of a future office building would like qualify for Energy and Atmospher admin 2012-8-30 0180 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
A new school is planning to install a geothermal electric system. This system wi admin 2012-8-30 0273 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
Which of the following statements is NOT the intent of Sustainable Sites credit, admin 2012-8-30 0184 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
In mechanically ventilated buildings, providing regularly occupied areas of the admin 2012-8-30 0221 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
From the results of an energy simulation conducted, a new building was found to admin 2012-8-30 0174 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
Which of the following members of the project team is most responsible for imple admin 2012-8-30 0257 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
Which of the following materials could possibly be included in calculations for admin 2012-8-30 0180 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
Which of the following estimates the true cost of a product, including original admin 2012-8-30 0214 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
A LEED for New Construction project is attempting to satisfy the requirements Wa admin 2012-8-30 0242 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
Individual lighting controls must be provided for what percentage of occupants t admin 2012-8-30 0164 admin 2012-8-30 14:27
To earn a point for Sustainable Sites credit, Site Development: Maximize Open Sp admin 2012-8-30 0208 admin 2012-8-30 14:26
What is the minimum percentage of occupied area that must have a direct line of admin 2012-8-30 0295 admin 2012-8-30 14:26
The Owner of a LEED Core and Shel project has decided to pursue the Tenant Desig admin 2012-8-30 0223 admin 2012-8-30 14:26
Which of the following scenarios would NOT satisfy the requirements of Sustainab admin 2012-8-30 0304 admin 2012-8-30 14:05


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