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What organization publishes lighting design and illumination standards? admin 2012-9-7 0194 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
Which of the following is NOT an example of on-site generated renewable energy? admin 2012-9-7 0157 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
The installation of impervious parking materials with high SRI will have a negat admin 2012-9-7 0197 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
A project team submitted a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) regarding a parti admin 2012-9-7 0639 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What is NOT a factor in the calculation of embodied energy when using the Constr admin 2012-9-7 0298 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
How can automobile use be reduced?
admin 2012-9-7 0519 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What statement is true regarding the evaluation process if a project team is con admin 2012-9-7 0234 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
A project using recycled materials manufactured 750 miles from a project site wo google 2012-9-7 0714 google 2012-9-7 21:49
What benefit to society does a project that uses Regional Materials contribute? admin 2012-9-7 0239 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What encourages the purchase and use of low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles admin 2012-9-7 0183 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What is a characteristic of open-grid pavement? admin 2012-9-7 0251 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
Which of the following statements is true about innovative design? admin 2012-9-7 0178 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What measurements does the baseline water case use? admin 2012-9-7 0206 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What is at the core of the integrated process?
admin 2012-9-7 0163 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
Why should building commissioning be performed? admin 2012-9-7 0221 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What happens after the project registration fee is paid to GBCI?
admin 2012-9-7 0190 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
A building has a parking garage with a total size of 100,000 SF. The parking gar admin 2012-9-7 0204 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
A project design will include the use of native trees for landscaping. What proj PrincessWas 2012-9-7 0270 PrincessWas 2012-9-7 21:49
What are the environmental benefits of limiting stormwater runoff?
admin 2012-9-7 0229 admin 2012-9-7 21:49
What standard helps calculate a baseline building energy performance rating for admin 2012-9-7 0170 admin 2012-9-7 21:49


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