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A new library would like to meet the standards for Feature A05: Enhanced Air Qua admin 2022-12-8 0386 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
A new residential tower is being constructed in Minneapolis. For the project to admin 2022-12-8 0300 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
An office building in Minneapolis is working to comply with Part 2: Restrict Mer admin 2022-12-8 0219 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
According to Part 1: Manage Exterior CCA Hazards of Feature X03: CCA and Lead M admin 2022-12-8 0430 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
The requirement for managing product emissions of newly applied adhesives, seala admin 2022-12-8 0175 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
Legionella bacteria naturally occur in water at low concentrations but may colon admin 2022-12-8 0587 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
A project team wants to receive an innovation point for their WELL Certified Bui admin 2022-12-8 0389 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
What is the verification method for Part 1: Meet Thresholds for Particulate Matt admin 2022-12-8 0281 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
In mechanically ventilated spaces, ventilation systems are designed to meet supp admin 2022-12-8 0502 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
Fluctuating light levels impact which of the following? 波动的光照水平会影响以下 admin 2022-12-8 0144 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
For Feature T01: Thermal Performance compliance, if a project\\\'s measurements admin 2022-12-8 0297 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
For a project to comply with Feature N12: Food Production, garden space or green admin 2022-12-8 0322 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
The WELL Sound concept aims to bolster which of the following? WELL声音概念旨在 admin 2022-12-8 0340 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
At an office building, occupants are discouraged by high gym member fees. Accord admin 2022-12-8 0161 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
As part of Feature T04: Individual Thermal Control, occupants can warm their ind admin 2022-12-8 0491 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
In Part 1: Survey for Thermal Comfort of Feature T02: Verified Thermal Comfort, admin 2022-12-8 0355 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
This WELL Thermal Comfort feature requires projects to increase thermal control admin 2022-12-8 0478 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
A new WELL project is concerned with being transparent with the tenants about th admin 2022-12-8 0390 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
What is the intent of Feature M01: Mental Health Promotion? 条款M01:心理健康推广 admin 2022-12-8 0298 admin 2022-12-8 16:28
Feature C02: Integrative Design is a WELL feature that requires project teams to admin 2022-12-8 0493 admin 2022-12-8 16:28


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